
All individuals, public bodies, companies, and civil society organizations are stakeholders in the socioeconomic development of our communities.  To ensure the sustainable development and use of land, buildings and infrastructure of communities, stakeholders must communicate and collaborate.

BuildAction is a unifying platform for the exchange of experience, insights and knowledge by all stakeholders to accelerate the transformation towards the sustainable development of our communities, whether city, town, village or hamlet.  It enables stakeholders in the built environment to support the sustainable development and use of land, buildings and infrastructure:

The stakeholders that are responsible for the sustainable development of our communities are:

  • Countries – Government policies regulate the development and use of the built environment;
  • Communities – Municipalities permit the sustainable development of land and property in their jurisdiction;
  • Companies – Businesses provide the natural, human, and capital resources along the development value chain; and
  • Civil society – Citizens and civil society organizations monitor and use the built environment in their communities.

All stakeholders are responsible for the use of productive resources, to safeguard the long-term environmental, social and economic sustainability of their communities.  Sustainable development provides lasting socio-economic benefits to everyone here and now without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs.

The Paris Agreement, UN SDG 11 of the 2030 Agenda and the New Urban Agenda serve as national policy frameworks for sustainable urban development and tools for their localization.  Where each country is responsible for the national implementation of the global agreements, local governments are responsible for the implementation of SDG 11.

The Paris Agreement and the 2030 Agenda call for and necessitate a paradigm shift from the established top-down approach of international mandates to a bottom-up, country-driven community-level implementation process.  They anticipate and require cooperation and collaboration on sustainable development at all levels of government, the private sector and civil society.


Enablers are the agents of change for sustainable socioeconomic community development.  They take stake, collaborate with the other stakeholders, and provide the resources and solutions for the building and operation of socially, ecologically and economically sustainable local ecosystems.

Governments regulate and are responsible and accountable to the public for the development and use of the built environment nationally, regionally and locally.  Businesses develop and provide solutions and resources for the construction and operation of the built environment in our communities.  Citizens and civil society organizations monitor duty of care of governments and companies towards the general public and users of the built environment.

Sustainable development is achieved through a system-thinking approach based on collaboration, business model innovation, and value co-creation.  Sustainable development increases the resilience of interlinked industries and organizations, lowers natural ecosystem impacts, and provides enhanced economic and societal value to the ecosystem stakeholders.

Sustainable development builds on the intrinsic alignment of the interests of all stakeholders.  Multistakeholder involvement, collaboration, and engagement of all societal sectors in a bottom-up approach are key to the sustainable development of our communities.

Sustainable development calls for intersector collaboration between the stakeholders of the three sectors of society, to increase policy coherence of plans and strategies, and to improve effectiveness in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs.  Collaboration encourages the development of institutional, political, legal, and financial mechanisms to broaden inclusive platforms and strengthens cooperation among the enablers.

Any responsible interested parties can be a sustainable development change agent.  Enablers include national regional and local governments, intergovernmental institutions, researcher/educational institutions, companies, civil society organizations, and individuals.

BuildAction profiles the enablers of the sustainable development and use of the built environment and shares the resources and solutions that they make publicly available on their sites.


Leaders encourage, lead, facilitate and moderate the engagement of other community stakeholders.  They ensure the sharing of useful information for the sustainable development and use of the local built environment.

The community initiator is the original community leader and responsible for the integrity of the community and stakeholder interaction in compliance with the terms of engagement and the community Code of Conduct.  Only individuals who are profiled on BuildAction can become community leader.

The role of community leader is shared with other individuals who are interested in leading the action of the community.  Leaders agree to mobilize the interest of other community stakeholders, engage with them, and to monitor and moderate their interaction in the community.

The community discussion board allows for community interation on operational issues for the leaders to address.  The leaders also comment on issues posted on the community discussion board that are addressed to them and helps to ensure that the discussions comply with the Code of Conduct.

The BuildAction Code of Conduct is intended to assist stakeholders in making decisions about their interaction and engagement with other stakeholders, to ensure the integrity of the community.  Leaders help maintain respectful, professional and effective discussions and interaction of stakeholders in the interest of the community at large.

Community members who believe the Code of Conduct has been violated in any way may post presumed violations on the deliberation board for review and discussion by the leaders and the community stakeholders.  This ensures community transparency.

Community leaders make judgment calls about what is and isn't appropriate.  Inappropriate posting can result in consequences for the alleged offender.

Offenders may be issued a warning or placed under observation, but with the opportunity for the offender to comment on the action.  Depending on the severity of the offense, the offender may be banned from the community.

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