The Initiative

The BuildAction initiative unites interested stakeholders and helps them to take stake in communities and to take action for their protection and sustainable development and operation.  The BuildAction platform enables community stakeholders to communicate, collaborate, cooperate and coordinate action.

All citizens and other stakeholders in the development communities are welcome to participate and interact, collaborate and encourage sustainable development and use of land, buildings and infrastructure in the community.  These include the stakeholders in the local and regional built environment – the representatives of countries, communities, companies, non-governmental and civil society organizations, and citizens.

Taking action calls for resources and the involvement of others.  News, blog articles, reports and other public information are used to validate stakeholder concerns.  Projects can be planned, meetings scheduled and organized, alerts and petitions posted and addressed to community policymakers.

The active participation of stakeholders at the local level is critical for the protection and development of communities, whether city, town, village or hamlet.  The stakeholders can serve as the driving force in the urgent transformation to sustainability of the local built environment.

Participation calls for direct citizen involvement in government decision-making and service delivery.  Civic engagement is essential for the sustainable development of the local socioeconomic environment, to increase political trust, and strengthen democratic values.

BuildAction Communities facilitates the collaboration of community stakeholders – individuals, businesses, public institutions, and civil society organizations – to engage in community initiatives and take collaborative action.  The sustainable development of communities, businesses and society is all about stakeholder collaboration to realize shared goals.

The Platform

BuildAction is an open-access platform that enables the communication, collaboration, cooperation and coordination of action by the stakeholders in the built environment.  BuildAction is free for community stakeholders to advance the sustainable development and use of land, buildings and infrastructure.

Stakeholders – individuals, businesses, public institutions, and civil society organizations – must collaborate to realize the shared goals for mutual shareholder benefit and the common good.  BuildAction allows community stakeholders to undertake initiatives and take collaborative action.

BuildAction enables the establishment of virtual communities and stakeholder engagement (see Add Community).  Stakeholders participate in the sustainable development and operation of communities and a circular economy and encourages the involvement of the enablers and policymakers.

BuildAction profiles the Enablers of the sustainable development and operation of the communities (see Add Enabler Organization)These include NGOs, public institutions, research and learning institutions, companies and trade associations that suggest solutions and provide resources for their realization.

Resources and Featured Tools made publicly available further the protection and sustainable development and operation of communities.  Concerns and Repostings allow for the posting of information and issues that call for urgent attention.

Countries and Cities show their ranking according to SDG social, environmental and economic factors.  The Companies Sustainability Dashboard allows for the assessment of their sustainability and greenwashing efforts.

BuildAction allows for the posting of an SDG Alert to warn of harm to the environment and biosphere incurred or threatened from projects and community inaction.  BuildAction enables the collaboration on petitions addressed to governmental authorities, public office holders and policymakers to take action to adapt their policies and strategies.

Issues of concern about the local built environment that call for stakeholder urgent attention and immediate action and news are posted in the communities (see Norwich, for example).  Stakeholders openly discuss issues and meetings are scheduled to communicate, collaborate, and coordinate stakeholder involvement and action.


BuildAction encourages the interaction, engagement and cooperation of all stakeholders to further the sustainable development and use of land, buildings, and infrastructure.  BuildAction advocate private-, public- and third-sector services and solutions for the sustainable development of our communities.

Sustainable development calls for social, environmental and economic solutions during the construction, operation, maintenance and deconstruction of the built environment and the cooperation of all interested stakeholders.

The 2030 Agenda and the sustainable development goals (SDGs) call for an unprecedented level of cooperation and collaboration among stakeholders for their achievement.  The 2030 Agenda is mobilizing the stakeholders in the three sectors of society – the public sector, the private sector, and civil society.

Multistakeholder collaboration and the engagement of all societal sectors in a bottom-up approach is considered key to sustainable development.  Sustainable development builds on the intrinsic alignment of interests of the stakeholders.

Where government policies regulate business and provide the business enabling sustainable development environment, business develops and delivers the solutions, and civil society ensures achievement of the sustainable development goals.  Collaboration combines complementary resources and competencies to maximize value creation for mutual benefit.

Localizing the SDGs calls for the cooperation of the three sectors of society.  Collaboration is essential to increase policy coherence of plans and strategies and to improve effectiveness in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs.

Collaboration encourages the development of institutional, political, legal, and financial mechanisms to broaden inclusive platforms.  Collaboration strengthens the coordination of the intergovernmental organizations (IGOs), national, subnational, local governments and other public entities,  businesses, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and individuals in enabling a sustainable society for all stakeholders.

Systemic solutions for the localization of the SDGs are developed in cooperation and collaboration between politics, research, business and civil society.  Collaboration fosters the creation, promotion, and enhancement of open, user-friendly, and participatory data platforms using technological and social tools available to transfer and share knowledge.