TI New Zealand

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Transparency International New Zealand
PO Box 10123 Waterloo Quay
6140 Wellington
New Zealand


Transparency International New Zealand (TINZ) works with the government, the private sector and civil society to identify corruption risks and to promote integrity and transparency as antidotes to corruption, to make New Zealand a better place to live for everyone.

Corruption and lack of accountability threaten democracy, the economy and the values of fairness and justice.  TINZ plays a crucial role in maintaining an open, and transparent democracy society.

TINZ’s primary role is holding power to account for the common good.  It examines circumstances and changes within New Zealand and against local standards, rather than in the light of what may be occurring in other countries.

TINZ has played a significant role in New Zealand having the very lowest rates of corruption worldwide.

Copyright Disclaimer: We profile organizations and use publicly available information, including logos, of our own volition and in the public interest.  This is for transformative and nonprofit educational purposes such that this "fair use" of or "fair dealing" with copyrighted works is not an infringement of copyright in countries that have adopted the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works.

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