Immediate action to fight the climate chaos — We need to take urgent and immediate action to win the fight against climate chaos. People and wildlife are already suffering and dying from the climate crisis. And, if the trend continues as it is, we're headed for unimaginable devastation of catastrophic proportions. It’s time for us to stop the destruction now! (Source: Greenpeace USA 14/04/23)
Added on 18/04/23 -
SDG investing is too superficial — Every year, more capital is seemingly allocated to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), yet we seem to move further from them. While investors are still keen to use the SDGs for investing, SDG-alignment must consider both the positive and negative impacts a company's activities on a range of goals. (Source: ESG Clarity 22/02/23)
Added on 18/04/23 -
The anti-ESG movement is gaining momentum — Businesses are increasingly being exposed to the culture wars, with company decisions around various issues, with ESG investing being attacked by right-leaning politicians and pundits. Business leaders have the fiduciary responsibility and moral obligation to address these issues and resist the anti-ESG movement. (Source: Harvard Business Review 13/04/23)
Added on 18/04/23 -
Country sustainability rankings must consider corruption — Corruption in a country accounts for 10% of the weighting in the Robeco Country Sustainability Ranking, making it of major significance in assessing the sustainablity a country. When deciding whether to buy that country’s sovereign bonds, this information is used as part of the governance factor in ESG. (Source: ROBECO )
Added on 18/04/23 -
A dark side to ESG — ESG ratings are called a scam, a failure, an attack on fossil fuels, an example of “woke” capitalism, a mix of greenwashing and corporate deception, a dereliction of fiduciary duty. As a basis for investing and identifying risks in environmental, social and corporate governance matters, ESG has become controversial. (Source: AAPG 01/04/23)
Added on 18/04/23 -
Die NÖ Landesregierung ignoriert die größten aktuellen Umweltbedrohungen — Der Naturschutzbund Niederösterreich wandte sich in einem offenen Brief an die niederösterreichische Regierungsparteien. Man sei „überrascht und irritiert“, im Arbeitsübereinkommen „keine einzige Maßnahme zu finden, die den größten aktuellen Bedrohungen, der Biodiversitäts- und der Klimakrise, entgegenwirken“. (Source: NÖN 22/03/23)
Added on 06/04/23 -
The EU urgently needs a dedicated maritime industrial strategy — If the EU fails to take urgent action, and deliver and rapidly implement a dedicated maritime industrial strategy, the EU might become fully dependent on Asia for its civil and naval ships and structures and maritime and offshore equipment. This would not only be a real shame, but also a significant political mistake! (Source: EESC 16/03/23)
Added on 24/03/23 -
The IPCC report show that every increment of warming matters — Climate change has already had a substantial impact on humans and the planet. And every increment of global warming we cause will have a profound effect on future generations. Each adaptation option becomes less feasible and effective the warmer the world gets – and the window is rapidly closing. (Source: World Economic Forum 23/03/23)
Added on 23/03/23 -
The TI Corruption Perceptions Index 2022 shows a worsening trend — In the past five years, only eight countries have significantly improved their scores and 10 countries have dropped significantly, including high-ranking countries such as Austria (a “most significant mover”, dropping 5 places), Luxembourg and the United Kingdom. The rest (90%) have had stagnant corruption levels. (Source: Transparency International 31/01/23)
Added on 23/03/23 -
The UN warns of catastrophic consequences of a world without glaciers — UN Secretary-General António Guterres says that global average sea levels have risen faster since 1900 than over any preceding century in the last 3,000 years. He warns that unless the rise in sea level due to global warming is reversed, the consequences will be catastrophic and calls on all countries to act now. (Source: United Nations 22/03/23)
Added on 22/03/23
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