Blum, N.U., M. Haupt, and C.R. Bening. "Why ‘Circular’ Doesn’t Always Mean ‘Sustainable’". Resources, Conservation and Recycling.

Material circularity (MC) develops positively when material is circulated through reuse, refurbishment, remanufacture or recycling at its highest quality, it usually measured through material flow analysis (MFA).  When economic value is generated as commonly measured through life cycle costing (LCC), economic sustainability (EconSus) is positive.  Environmental sustainability (EnvSus) develops positively as the environment suffers less harm through product systems, where life cycle assessment (LCA) is used for assessing their life-cycle environmental impacts.  Social sustainability (SocSus) develops positively if social conditions improve for all people, which is tricky to measure.  Where these four dimensions overlap, a sustainable circular economy (SCE) occurs.

Posted on 30/06/23

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