In 2015, the international community committed to a shared global vision towards sustainable development that includes 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and identifies the areas where the most resources are most needed. The greatest potential for achieving the SDGs lies in aligning public and private resources with these goals, and the real challenge lies in aligning the trillions invested daily in the capital markets with the SDGs. In this context, three crucial questions arose: 1) How can to allocate more resources to the goals? 2) How to ensure that they get to where they are most needed? 3) How are they used in the most effective way? For this, a three-step approach was proposed: mobilization, alignment, and impact. 10 years on, progress is uneven and most disappointing.
Horrocks, Paul, Priscilla Boiardi, and Valentina Bellesi. "Targeting Global Finance at the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)". OECD. Accessed January 14, 2025. (Contributed by Gregory Autin).
Posted on 14/01/25
Recent Abstracts
The Economic Commitment of Climate Change
Even if CO₂ emissions were drastically reduced immediately, the global economy would still be heading towards a significant drop of 19% in GDP by 2050, according to a recent study published in Nature. Scientists at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) assessed future impacts of changing climatic con ...
Posted on 03/05/24
Technological Revolution and Circular Economy Practices: A Mechanism of Green Economy
Business models are being transformed by rising environmental concerns, Industry 4.0 technologies, and circular economy (CE) practices, which are the prevailing business considerations. Keeping these considerations in view, this work looks into the role of Industry 4.0 technologies in the adoption of CE practices and ...
Posted on 29/04/24
Circular Economy – Principles for Buildings Design
Circular economy principles for sustainable building design stress resource efficiency in construction to prevent and reduce construction and demolition waste and to re-use and recycle building materials and products. This document informs the key participants in the building value chain about sustainable building des ...
Posted on 26/04/24
Life Cycle Costing: Evaluate Sustainability Outcomes for Building and Construction Sector
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Posted on 25/04/24
The state of supply chain sustainability
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Posted on 24/04/24
Counteracting climate denial: A systematic review
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Posted on 23/04/24
ESG Investing isn’t Designed to Save the Planet
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SDG-Oriented Supply Chains: Business Practices for Procurement and Distribution
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Posted on 18/04/24
What Is a Sustainable Supply Chain?
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Posted on 18/04/24
A Review of Systems Modelling for Local Sustainability
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The 97% consensus on global warming
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Legal Rights of Nature
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Deception Detection in Conversations Using the Proximity of Linguistic Markers
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When Will Climate Change Make the Earth Too Hot For Humans?
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Environmental Law and the Unsustainability of Sustainable Development: A Tale of Disenchantment and of Hope
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Posted on 07/08/23