Companies are not required to disclose the information that investors need to price climate risk.  Voluntary frameworks, like the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), do not bring about the necessary change.  This has led to mispricing climate risk and capital misallocation, which harms investors and delays the transition to net-zero carbon neutrality.  This paper argues for mandatory corporate climate disclosures and suggests the regulatory architecture that supports such a disclosure regime.  It outlines design principles to establish metrics against which government proposals can be evaluated in support of their efforts and to call out policy greenwashing.

Armour, John, Luca Enriques, and Thom Wetzer. "Mandatory Corporate Climate Disclosures: Now, but How?". SSRN Electronic Journal. (1636934400)November 15, 2021.

Posted on 19/11/21

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