Gujarat, an economically developed state of India, is under severe threat of water scarcity. Rapid urbanization, prolific industrialization and multiple cropping practice have increased the water demand and consumption over the years. At the same time, frequency of heatwaves and intensity of droughts have increased resulting in severe water scarcity. The state suffers from water scarcity every year, particularly during the summer. Pre- to post-monsoon groundwater storage change in various districts of Gujarat has been analyzed to evaluate aquifer recharge. Besides, the impact of meteorological drought on groundwater has been assessed. Findings predict that water supply in Gujarat are in jeopardy and sustainable use of water and adaptation to climate change is the only way forward.

Bandyopadhyay, Nairwita. "Impact of Climate Change on Water Crisis in Gujarat (India)". Springer Science. (1672617600)January 02, 2023. (Contributed by Gregory Autin).

Posted on 13/01/25

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