Vidyarthi, Sandeep. "Groundwater Brochure Bhavnagar District". Government of India Ministry of Water Resources, Central Ground Water Board, West Central Region, Ahmedabad. 2013. (Contributed by Gregory Autin).
In Bhavnagar district, the overall groundwater is moderately developed (68.04%), but the quality is limited in the coastal areas and the yield is low in the hard rock areas inland. Rapid urbanization and simultaneous industrial activities have recently affected the hydrogeological system of the area. The district receives 580 mm of rainfall during the southwest monsoon and there are a large number of artificial recharge structures in the district. The structures need to be maintained at regular intervals. Groundwater development is relatively high along the coastal areas, which also have a limited thickness of good quality aquifers. A sustainable groundwater management strategy to conserve existing resources and measures to control pollution of freshwater resources are essential.
Posted on 11/01/25
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