Professions in the environmental sector – "green jobs " – are now quite popular among Austrians.  In a recent study, 43% of respondents showed interest in a green job, as high as 60% among 14- to 18-year-olds.  Waste and resource management is viewed as a crisis-proof job (46%) and a job with a purpose and benefit for environmental protection (42%).  Project management, research and development, logistics and laboratories are most popular among both women and men.  The study (in German) was commissioned by the Association of Austrian Waste Management Companies (VOEB) among 1,500 Austrians between the ages of 14 and 69.

Der Verband Österreichischer Entsorgungsbetriebe (VOEB). "Green Jobs in der Abfallwirtschaft". (1638057600)November 2021.

Posted on 28/11/21

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