The top 10 destinations are #1 Gothenburg, Sweden; #2 Copenhagen, Denmark; #3 Aarhus, Denmark; #4 Glasgow, UK; #5 Reykjavik, Iceland; #6 Tirol, Austria; #7 Lyon, France; #8 Zurich, Switzerland; #9 Bordeaux, France; and #10 Aalborg, Denmark.  The GDS-Index is a performance improvement program to make the leisure tourism industry more sustainable.  The four key areas deemed vital to the sustainability performance of a destination are environmental strategy and infrastructure; social sustainability performance; industry supplier support; and the DMO's strategy and initiatives.  These areas are evaluated to assess the action of the DMOs on sustainability.  The ranking supports DMOs and convention bureaus to adopt, promote and recognize responsible and regenerative practices.

Global Destination Sustainability Movement. "Global Destination Sustainability Index 2021". Accessed December 04, 2021.

Posted on 05/12/21

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