The oft-repeated and rarely challenged view that energy solutions to address climate change are expensive and uneconomical has long thwarted public support for even the most sensible measures – despite the evidence that the damage caused by climate change is far more costly.  Those who oppose climate action point to the cost of the solutions and rarely, if ever, mention the damage and rising costs of continuing to extract and burn fossil fuels to meet energy needs.  In recent years, the prices of green technologies have fallen dramatically, making many of them cheaper than fossil fuels and more than paying for themselves.  Failure to curb increasing global warming has led to increasingly more frequent climate disasters with more and more devastating socioeconomic and humanitarian costs.  

Dana Nuccitelli. "Fighting Climate Change: Cheaper than ‘Business as Usual’ and Better for the Economy". Yale Climate Connections. Accessed June 10, 2024.

Posted on 20/11/24

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