For most hotels, environmental issues are not a response to societal challenges – doing the right thing – but rather a response to owners’ concerns – doing things right.  Tourism is a predator of natural resources and tourism practices do not correspond to essential consuming acts.  This paper explores the strategic reasons behind the sustainable practices of hotel companies and the managerial implications.  Hotel chains develop environmental sustainability practices mainly for cost reduction to accommodate the demands of owners for efficiency and profitability.  Smaller companies are less likely to adopt environmental practices or to invest in communicating them than the global hotel chains.

Calisto, Maria de Lurdes, Jorge Umbelino, Ana Gonçalves, and Cláudia Viegas. "Environmental Sustainability Strategies for Smaller Companies in the Hotel Industry: Doing the Right Thing or Doing Things Right?". Sustainability. September 17, 2021.

Posted on 27/05/22

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