As a points-based green certification, LEED assigns 110 points – the highest level, platinum (80 + points), accredits only 3 out of a total of 110 points directly to embodied emissions. In BREEAM, 12 points (8%) are directly related to material selection, of which 5 points (3%) are based on life cycle assessment (LCA).  Studies using LCA to evaluate environmental impacts mainly consider operational emissions generated during the operation phase.  Initial (pre-use) embodied emissions are seldom the focus.  The number of points allocated to embodied emissions is disproportionately low in both the LEED and BREEAM building environmental (green) certification systems.

Amiri, Ali, Nargessadat Emami, Juudit Ottelin, Jaana Sorvari, Björn Marteinsson, Jukka Heinonen, and Seppo Junnila. "Embodied Emissions of Buildings – A Forgotten Factor in Green Building Certificates". Energy and Buildings. Accessed January 08, 2025.

Posted on 09/01/25

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