Riedmann, Gerold. "Ein Weckruf". Der Standard. Accessed . https://email1.derstandard.at/... (Contributed by Gregory Autin).
Nachdem Herbert Kickl den Auftrag zur Regierungsbildung erhalten hat, steht einer blau-schwarzen Bundesregierung nichts mehr im Wege. Die Koalitionsverhandlungen haben nun begonnen. Dass die ÖVP die Kanzlerschaft der russlandfreundlichen FPÖ überlässt, einer Partei, die sich mit der überfallenen Ukraine nicht solidarisch zeigt und den Aggressor bewundert, hat unabsehbare Folgen für Österreich und ist ein Sicherheitsrisiko. Es wird weniger Geld für Klima, Kultur und kritische Medien geben, dafür mehr Restriktionen. Die Dramatik der Situation des Landes in Bezug auf Demokratie, wirtschaftliche Entwicklung und Überschuldung scheint nicht erkannt worden zu sein. Stattdessen wird die Instabilität verlängert, was Herbert Kickl ebenso wie Wladimir Putin sehr gelegen kommt und begrüsst.
Posted on 09/01/25
Recent Abstracts
Embodied Emissions of Buildings – A Forgotten Factor in Green Building Certificates
As a points-based green certification, LEED assigns 110 points – the highest level, platinum (80 + points), accredits only 3 out of a total of 110 points directly to embodied emissions. In BREEAM, 12 points (8%) are directly related to material selection, of which 5 points (3%) are based on life cycle assessment (LCA). ...
Posted on 09/01/25
Sustainability, Resilience, Regeneration – What’s the Difference?
Sustainability postpones social, environmental and economic disasters in attempt to meet present economic growth while minimizing the impacts of current socioeconomic development for future generations. Although sustainability is widely considered a positive concept, it has numerous weaknesses that make it unsustainab ...
Posted on 08/01/25
Developing of Sustainable Supply Chain Management Indicators in Construction
This paper provides tools that solve procurement problems in construction, where sustainability indicators were divided into social (governance), economic, and environmental groups. It identifies sustainability indicators for examining the supply chains of construction companies, allowing construction project managers ...
Posted on 08/01/25
City Policy Framework for Dramatically Reducing Embodied Carbon
This is a framework for cities and other government bodies to develop a strategy, action plan, and policies in response to the climate emergency. It is a manual and blueprint to dramatically reduce embodied carbon from the manufacture, transport, use, and life-cycle end of construction material. It helps cities in re ...
Posted on 07/01/25
SDGs vs ESGs: What Is the Better Measure of Sustainability?
SDGs are the most commonly used framework for the sustainability reporting of the top patent holders. The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a globally agreed and accepted framework of practices with clearly defined indicators and goal-oriented recommendations that enable criteria-unbiased sustainability asse ...
Posted on 19/12/24
Simulating Land Cover Changes and Their Impacts on Land Surface Temperature in Dhaka, Bangladesh
Despite research that has been conducted elsewhere, little is known, to-date, about land cover dynamics and their impacts on land surface temperature (LST) in fast growing mega cities of developing countries. Landsat satellite images of 1989, 1999, and 2009 of Dhaka Metropolitan (DMP) area were used for analysis. The s ...
Posted on 16/12/24
Comparative Study of Key Supply Chain Management Elements in Sustainability Reports
For the evaluation of enterprise value and investment decision-making, firms must demonstrate their commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). For this, several factors are considered, including supply chain management (SCM), human rights, climate change, safety, and environmental risks. This study analy ...
Posted on 03/12/24
A Didactic Model of Sustainability Commitment
For adoption of 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals, education must be reoriented and implemented towards commitment to sustainable development. The environmental and sustainability education (ESE) model suggests that a sound commitment is found at the intersection of the intellectual, emotional, and prac ...
Posted on 29/11/24
Improving Individual Business Tax Collection In Ho Chi Minh City Via Technological Solutions
This study examines the potential of technological solutions to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of individual business tax collection in Ho Chi Minh City, focusing on streamlining processes, improving transparency, and reducing tax evasion. The research is based on theories of digital transformation and tax co ...
Posted on 28/11/24
How Vietnam can stay competitive in a changing global trade environment
Vietnam has made tremendous economic progress in the 21st century. Real domestic output per capita has more than tripled since 2000, a rate of growth surpassed only by China in the East Asia and Pacific region. Labor productivity growth per worker was also fastest in the region, albeit from a relatively low starting po ...
Posted on 28/11/24
Appell der Wirtschaft an die künftige Bundesregierung
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Posted on 27/11/24
Major Economic and Financial Risks Posed by Climate Change
Failure to transition will generate significant and widespread economic and financial risks. An economic forecast from Swiss Re, one of the world's largest reinsurers, projects a loss in global gross domestic product (GDP) of between 4.2 and 18.1 percentage points by mid-century, depending on different warming scenario ...
Posted on 27/11/24
ESG to SDG: Do Sustainable Investing Ratings Align with the Sustainability Preferences of Investors, Regulators, and Scientists?
ESG and SDG cannot be used interchangeably to identify the sustainability of companies and their contribution to social development and the planet, although they are complementary. Where sustainable investors aim to invest in companies that contribute to sustainable development, there is disagreement on how best to me ...
Posted on 26/11/24
COP29 có thể đảm bảo các Doanh nghiệp vừa và nhỏ phát triển mạnh trong quá trình chuyển đổi Net-Zero
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Posted on 23/11/24
Fighting Climate Change: Cheaper than ‘Business as Usual’ and Better for the Economy
The oft-repeated and rarely challenged view that energy solutions to address climate change are expensive and uneconomical has long thwarted public support for even the most sensible measures – despite the evidence that the damage caused by climate change is far more costly. Those who oppose climate action point to th ...
Posted on 20/11/24