The impacts of climate change are especially tangible in dense urban areas due to the inherent characteristics of urban structure and materiality.  As the climate change impacts are intensifying, climate adaptation, mitigation and protecting strategies are becoming even more important.  To assess the impacts of climate change and densification on urban climate and potential adaptation strategies, a typical densely populated sample area for the city of Vienna was modeled.  This case study analyzed the large-scale densification potential and its potential effects on microclimate, air flow, comfort, and energy demand.

Loibl, Wolfgang, Milena Vuckovic, Ghazal Etminan, Matthias Ratheiser, Simon Tschannett, and Doris Österreicher. "Effects of Densification on Urban Microclimate—A Case Study for the City of Vienna". Atmosphere. (1618617600)April 17, 2021.

Posted on 15/06/21

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