Deception and fraud detection is a very challenging task.  Detecting the elements of deception in a conversation takes years of study and experience.  It is a skill set primarily used in law enforcement agencies.  For the average person, the ability to detect a lie is only slightly greater than chance, with about 54% accuracy.  The successful detection of deception in human interactions has long been of interest across many domains and it has been studied in various sub-fields related to psychology and law enforcement.  With recent technological advancements, it is feasible to have an automated system to spot the deceptive elements in large customer bases with a potential platform for fraud and provide this information to the teleoperators to better support them in their interactions.

Nikesh Bajaj, Marvin Rajwadi, Tracy Goodluck Constance, Julie Wall, Mansour Moniri, Thea Laird, Chris Woodruff, James Laird, Cornelius Glackin, Nigel Cannings. "Deception Detection in Conversations Using the Proximity of Linguistic Markers". Knowledge-Based Systems. March 03, 2023.

Posted on 03/03/24

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