Mass mobilization driven by the pain and suffering of global climate shocks is expected to be the only way humanity can save itself from the climate crisis we have created.  As the social impacts of climate shocks increase in both frequency and severity, they will trigger an “AnthroShift” in which personal and economic risk reaches a tipping point that causes people to change their behavior and push governments and corporations to aggressively shift away from fossil fuels.  The author believes that such AnthroShifts can open up opportunities for innovative social change – but only if the risks are both severe and permanent.  The great hope is that the coming climate shocks will trigger such an AnthroShift that reorients all sectors of society to respond meaningfully to the climate crisis.

Fisher, Dana R. "Apocalyptic Optimism Could Be the Antidote for Climate Fatalism". Time. January 24, 2025.

Posted on 25/01/25

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