Over the last two decades, the global re/insurance sector has experienced an increasing number of major natural catastrophes, such as winter storms, forest fires, severe heat waves and heavy flooding. Countries around the world are suffering the effects of climate change, which contribute to more frequent and extreme weather events and threaten the re/insurance industry. Climate change is closely linked to natural catastrophes, which is now the biggest risk in 9 countries: Austria, Croatia, Greece, Hong Kong, Japan, Romania, Slovenia, Spain and Turkey. At a time of great geopolitical and economic uncertainty, when the risk of natural catastrophes and climate- and nature-related risks continues to increase, the political consequences of climate denial are becoming increasingly evident.
Alliance Commercial. "Allianz Risk Barometer – Identifying the Major Business Risks for 2025". Alliance. January 15, 2025. https://commercial.allianz.com/... (Contributed by Gregory Autin).
Posted on 31/01/25
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