El Salvador

Country Rankings
- CPI: 33
- EPI: 95
- ESG: 86
- GCI: 120
- HDI: 45
- HFI: 91
- PFI: 112
- SDR: 79
- SPI: 99
- WDI: 93
- WHR: 35
CCP | Climate Change Performance Index A ranking of climate mitigation efforts of 59 countries plus the EU, covering 90%+ of the global GHG emissions, assessing climate protection performance in four categories. Source: Germanwatch, NewClimate Institute and Climate Action Network. |
CDI | Commitment to Development Index The index ranks 40 of the world’s most powerful countries on their dedication to policies, scoring the countries relative to their size and economic weight. Source: Center for Global Development. |
CEU | CCP Index – Energy Use The ranking of primary energy consumption and performance of the countries listed in the CCP Index in assessing the countries’ climate protection performance. Source: Germanwatch, NewClimate Institute and Climate Action Network. |
The ranking of countries by their perceived levels of public sector corruption, generally defines corruption as an abuse of entrusted power for private gain. Source: Transparency International. |
CPP | CCP Index – Climate Policy Performance A ranking of the performance of the countries in the CCP Index in terms of their climate policy in assessing the countries’ climate protection performance. Source: Germanwatch, NewClimate Institute and Climate Action Network. |
EPI | Environmental Performance Index The scores and rankings provides a quantitative basis for comparing, analyzing and understanding the environmental progress and performance of 180 countries. |
A ranking of 183 countries and territories encompassing three sub-indexes – environment, human rights, and health and safety – based on 65 variables measuring ESG risk exposure. Source: Global Risk Profile. |
GCl |
A ranking of 196 countries and territories measuring the state of corruption and white-collar crimes globally based on internationally recognized variables. Source: Global Risk Profile. |
A ranking of 76 economies on their progress and commitment toward clean energy, industry, agriculture, and society through investment in renewables, innovation, and green policy. Source: MIT Technology Review. |
GHG | CCP Index – Greenhouse Gas Emissions A ranking of the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of the countries that together generate 90%+ of global greenhouse gas emissions, including land use, land-use change and forestry. Source: Germanwatch, NewClimate Institute and Climate Action Network. |
The ranking of UN member states in terms of key dimensions of human development: a long and healthy life, being knowledgeable and having a decent standard of living. Source: United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). |
A broad measure of human freedom in the world that encompasses personal, civil, and economic freedom, comprising 83 distinct indicators in 165 jurisdictions. Source: Cato Institute and Fraser Institute. |
SDR | Sustainable Development Report A ranking and global assessment of the overall performance of all 193 UN member states and their progress towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Source: Cambridge University Press. |
A multi-indicator index that assesses the social and environmental performance of 169 countries help them measure the social and environmental health of their societies. Source: Social Progress Imperative. |
An index measuring the state of democracy in 167 countries and territories focusing on pluralism, civil liberties, political culture, political institutions and freedoms. Source: Economist Intelligence Unit. |
A survey and ranking of the wellbeing and happiness of over 150 countries by how happy their citizens perceive themselves to be, correlates with quality-of-life factors. |
A ranking of the freedom of journalism and censorship of the press, to compare the level of press freedom enjoyed by journalists and media in 180 countries and territories. Source: Reporters Without Borders. |