Friends of the Earth U.S.

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Friends of the Earth U.S.
1101 15th Street, NW 11th Floor
20005 Washington, DC
United States


Friends of the Earth U.S. is a nongovernmental environmental organization headquartered in Washington, D.C., but largely decentralized to give significant power and freedom to its local branches.  It is a founding member of Friends of the Earth International, which is a network of environmental organizations in 75 countries.

Friends of the Earth U.S. campaigns on issues including climate change, pollution, nuclear technology, genetic engineering, deforestation, pesticides, food and agriculture and economic policy.  The NGO runs campaigns that promote sustainability, fight for worldwide social and economic justice, and encourage systemic change for lasting results.

Many of their efforts focus on lobbying policies and their campaigns target the large issues affecting entire ecosystems.

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