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SDGs and Local Authorities
The subsidiarity principle states that the responsibility should, as far as possible, be assumed by the smallest "responsible" unit, with higher-level units int ...
July 2, 2024 | No CommentsPostings of previously posted original content.
Fifth National Climate Assessment: Understanding Risks, Impacts, and Responses
Adaptation planning more effectively reduces climate risk when it identifies not only disparities in how people are affected by climate change but also the underlying causes of climate vulnerability. Transformative adaptation involves consideration of the physical and social drivers of vulnerability and how they inter ...
Posted on 05/06/24
IIF Weekly Insight – Patience Please
Fed flexibility on balance sheet normalization could have far-reaching consequences. Tech stock valuations suggest fears that trade war is morphing into tech war. A more dovish Fed spells respite for highly indebted EM borrowers. There has been unprecedented growth in green syndicated lending – not just green bonds – ...
Posted on 24/03/21
Threats to local socioeconomic or ecological stability.
Resources and tools for community development.
Also, see Solutions and Featured Tools for solutions and tools of transnational relevance.
- Circular City Actions Framework – Bringing the Circular Economy to Every City — A circular economy calls for collaboration among the public-, private, and third-sector (civil society) stakeholders and requires governments, businesses and communities to be creative and flexible. A circular community promotes an equitable transition to sustainability across the urban space through multiple city fun ...
- Circular Economy – Principles for Buildings Design — These circular economy principles focus on sustainable building design. They stress resource efficiency in construction in order to prevent and reduce construction and demolition waste and facilitate re-use and recycling of building materials and products. The document informs the key participants in the building val ...
- ClientEarth — ClientEarth provides resources to inform stakeholders on implementing and enforcing the law, advising decision-makers on policy, and training legal and judicial professionals. They aim to improve environmental protection standards, policies and laws to protect the environment. The ClientEarth platform can be accessed ...
- Climate Analytics — Climate Analytics provides several open access, interactive tools that make climate projections easily available to policymakers and researchers in dealing with climate related issues in fields such as agriculture, energy and human health. The tools are based on the best science and analysis for climate negotiations as ...
- Climate Change — NASA Global Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet has tons of great ready-to-go resources, including lesson plans, curriculum modules, professional development, and online communities. It has fantastic content, beautiful and sobering imagery, actionable resources, and clear citations, all on a site that's easy to ...
- Climate Change Resources for Students and Teachers — Climate change can feel complex and overwhelming for adults. But even more so for students, who have no option but to face the threats of climate change's consequences such as increased global temperatures and rising sea levels. The tools on this list encourage students to learn the facts about global warming, to co ...
- Climate Watch — CAIT Climate Data Explorer is a suite of online tools that enables users to analyze and compare nationally determined contributions (NDCs) under the Paris Agreement. It brings together historical emissions and climate data, visualizations, analysis, news and other resources to gain insights on national and global prog ...
- Common Sense on Climate Change — We have been witnessing climate change due to global warming for over 50 years. Over many of these years, practical solutions to global warming have been proposed. The longer we wait, the problem will be much more difficult to address and the consequences for us will be that much more drastic and severe. Technologie ...
- Community Participation — Participation calls for ideas, decisions and taking responsibility. Community participation is the involvement of people of a community in projects to address their challenges. Participation is a basic human right and a fundamental principle of democracy such that people have the opportunity to participate wherever po ...
- Community Tool Box — The Community Tool Box is a public service of the University of Kansas (KU) in Lawrence, Kansas, USA. It is maintained by the KU's Work Group for Community Health and Development. It is a free, online resource that contains a great volume of practical information for promoting community health and development. The to ...
- Future Cities Research Centre — The Future Cities Research Centre undertakes multidisciplinary research to enable, promote and facilitate behavioral change for sustainability. The research is supported by technological solutions to sustainability concerns, such as energy, water, waste management and transportation systems, in urban infrastructure. T ...
- Global Forest Watch — Global Forest Watch (GFW) is an open-source web application that provides data and tools for monitoring global forests in near real-time. The initiative of the World Resources Institute allows anyone to see where and how forests are changing around the world. GFW data is accessed daily by governments, companies, civil ...
- Google Earth Engine — Google Earth Engine is an interactive planetary-scale platform and geospatial processing service for Earth science data and analysis. The resources and interactive visualization tool are used by scientists, researchers and developers to detect climate and geophysical changes, map trends, and quantify differences on th ...
- Implementing Citizens Participation in Decision Making at Local Level — This guide aims to give an overview of the legal background, theoretical models, and practical examples of citizens’ participation in decision-making at the local level from the country and abroad. It distinguishes between citizens' involvement in the municipality's functioning and their involvement in the decision-ma ...
- International Public Opinion on Climate Change — This report presents results from an international survey investigating public climate change knowledge, beliefs, attitudes, policy preferences, and behavior among Facebook users. The survey collected responses from 139,136 Facebook monthly active users. Responses were collected from 187 countries and territories wor ...
- Local2030 — Local2030 is a network and platform that localizes and supports the delivery of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with a focus on those furthest behind. It is a convergence point between the United Nations system and local and regional governments and their associations, national governments, businesses, commu ...
- OECD Guidelines for Citizen Participation Processes — The guidelines are intended for any public official or public institution interested in carrying out a citizen participation process. They describe ten steps for designing, planning, implementing and evaluating a citizen participation process and discuss eight different methods for involving citizens.
- One Planet — The One Planet Network Global SCP projects and resource databases are among the best resources on sustainable consumption and production from around the world. All stakeholders are encouraged to share their own resources. The members directory of the more than 5,000 members of the One Planet platform can be searched t ...
- Our World in Data — The Our World in Data resources make the knowledge on the big problems facing the world accessible and understandable and enable contribution to a better future. Interactive data visualizations show how the world has changed and summaries of the scientific literature explain why. The historical data and research show t ...
- PIK — PIK resources advance the scientific frontier on interdisciplinary climate impact research for global sustainability. It combines and provides research across disciplines, scales with solution orientation, and contributes data, knowledge and solutions for a safe and just climate future. PIK contributes knowledge to th ...
- Resource Watch — The Resource Watch platform features hundreds of data sets on the state of the planet’s resources and citizens. It is accessible and free for all stakeholders to use to understand the climate threats to our society and planet and allows users to visualize the immediate challenges we face. The dynamic platform leverage ...
- Scientific evidence on the political impact of the Sustainable Development Goals — In 2015, the United Nations agreed on 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as the central normative framework for sustainable development worldwide. The effectiveness of governing by such broad global goals, however, remains uncertain. This paper is an analysis of over 3,000 scientific studies on the SDGs.
- SDG Cities Guide — Jointly developed by SDSN and the German government, the SDG Cities Guide describes the basic steps for implementing Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in cities and human settlements. The SDG agenda is a powerful tool for mobilizing collective action that improves the quality of life for local residents and develops ...
- SDG Knowledge Hub — The IISD SDG Knowledge Hub is an online resource center covering country implementation of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, including the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The IISD SDG Knowledge Hub make knowledge available for integrating environmental and social priorities with economic develop ...
- SDG Resource Centre — The RELX SDG Resource Centre provides public access to content that informs about progress towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). It aids all stakeholders by giving them access to critical content to provide a good understanding of the SDGs. The RELX SDG Resource Centre showcases the latest in science, la ...
- SDSN — The resources of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) promote integrated approaches to implement the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Agreement on Climate Change of the United Nations. The platform mobilizes global scientific and technological expertise to promote practical solutio ...
- SHARECITY — The SHARECITY project has developed the online SHARECITY100 Database and resources to locate how and where food is being shared in 100 cities globally. Food sharing is a significant transformative mechanism for sustainable cities. SHARECITY explores ITC-facilitated food sharing in urban contexts and the potential chal ...
- smarticular — Das Ideenportal für einfaches und nachhaltiges Leben! Hier finden Sie eine große Auswahl an Anleitung, um Dinge selbst herzustellen, z. B. Haushaltsprodukte, Reinigungsmittel, Kosmetikartikel, Pflegeprodukte und viele wertvolle Tipps zum Kochen (auch vegan), Gärtnern, Re- und Upcyclen, zero waste, etc.
- Standards Guidance for the SDG Impact Standards for Enterprises — The publication provides supporting information and detailed explanation of the SDG impact standards, to help enterprise managers apply the standards, to support more consistent understanding and application of the standards across users, and to ensure alignment with key reference frameworks, principles, and tools.
- Synchronicity Earth — The Synchronicity Earth platform publishes news, views and stories from conservationists on the frontline, dedicated researchers, artists, activists and enlightened funders. The resource platform serves to build networks that support its efforts and conservation funding. The resources comprise blog posts, interviews w ...
- UN-Habitat — UN-Habitat promotes sustainable urbanization through knowledge, policy advice, technical assistance, and collaborative action. It mobilizes resources targeting the implementation of sustainable urbanization programs and projects at the national and local levels. Its knowledge resources include research and publication ...
- UNEP — The UNEP offers more than 15,000 items, including real-time data tools and platforms, data sets, publications, key reports, fact sheets and interactives. The Open Data Portal provides project details, financial information and other resources used by the project. Science and data are fundamental in providing answers t ...
- Using Online Tools to Engage – and be Engaged by – the Public — To engage citizens, public managers and authorities employ targeted, network-based tools to facilitate their involvement. To ensure that the process is productive, they employ techniques like impartial facilitation, ground rules set by the group, and discussion guides or agendas that lay out a range of policy options.
- WorldGBC — Green building councils across the network develop tools, programs and resources to promote the urgency and achievability of net-zero carbon buildings and build industry capacity to deliver them. The WorldGBC makes them available for anyone to use. The tools and resources, such as market data or toolkits, strengthen g ...
- WTTC — The WTTC produces annual economic impact reports on the economic and employment impact of travel and tourism for 185 countries and 25 economic regions in the world. The reports are intended to facilitate policymaking and investment in travel and tourism. The focus of WTTC's research activity is a set of annually produ ...
- Yale Program on Climate Change Communication — The Yale Program on Climate Change Communication (YPCCC) is a research center within the Yale School of the Environment that conducts scientific research on public climate change knowledge, attitudes, policy preferences, and behavior at the global, national, and local scales. It conducts ongoing opinion polls of the A ...
Reporting on issues of interest to the community.
Also, see Alert! for concerns calling for urgent attention and immediate action from the community.
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