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SDGs and Local Authorities
The subsidiarity principle states that the responsibility should, as far as possible, be assumed by the smallest "responsible" unit, with higher-level units int ...
July 2, 2024 | No CommentsPostings of previously posted original content.
A Transformation Strategy with Manifold Socio Economic Benefits for India and Germany
Current patterns of production and consumption, in particular in the global North, cannot be transferred to the rising world population, in particular in the global South, without severe environmental and societal consequences and economic risks. The “Green Economy” is intended to “contribute to eradicating poverty as ...
Posted on 17/02/25
Impact of Climate Change on Water Crisis in Gujarat (India)
Gujarat, an economically developed state of India, is under severe threat of water scarcity. Rapid urbanization, prolific industrialization and multiple cropping practice have increased the water demand and consumption over the years. At the same time, frequency of heatwaves and intensity of droughts have increased resu ...
Posted on 13/01/25
Variations in climate opinions across India
India is most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. It has long been a key player in international climate negotiations and has begun implementing a diverse portfolio of policies nationally and within individual states to improve energy efficiency, develop clean energy sources, and prepare for the impacts of a c ...
Posted on 12/01/25
Rise in Sea Levels: Fate of Small and Mid-sized Coastal Cities
Climate change is accelerating the sea level rise in India and globally. In December 2023, sea level was 104 mm above 1993’s measure, which reveals the unprecedented rate at which the sea level is currently rising. This is the result of a two-fold effect, attributed to both the thermal expansion of seawater and melti ...
Posted on 12/01/25
Threats to local socioeconomic or ecological stability.
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Reporting on issues of interest to the community.
Also, see Alert! for concerns calling for urgent attention and immediate action from the community.
- As sea levels rise, what do smaller coastal cities need? — Small and mid-sized coastal cities in India are highly vulnerable to climate-induced sea-level rise but are overlooked in terms of data, research, and policy. Sea-level rise poses significant threats to coastal cities worldwide, including erosion, flooding, groundwater contamination, and loss of vegetation and aquatic ... 17/10/25 (India Development Review) —
Assembly on topics and issues of community interest.
- 23/03/25 - ICESGE 2025 in Bhavnagar, India — ICESGE 2025 is organized by the Advanced Research Society for Science and Sociology (ARSSS) and will be held in Bhavnagar, India on 2 Apr 2025. The key intentio ... — 0 Comments
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